Repeated fasting events sensitize enhancers, transcription factor activity and gene expression to support augmented ketogenesis.
Korenfeld N, Charni-Natan M, Bruse J, Goldberg D, Marciano-Anaki D, Rotaro D, Gorbonos T, Radushkevitz-Frishman T, Polizzi A, Nasereddin A, Gover O, Bar-Shimon M, Fougerat A, Guillou H, Goldstein I.
Nucleic Acids Res. PMID: 39673515 (Open Access)
LXR-dependent enhancer activation regulates the temporal organization of the liver's response to refeeding leading to lipogenic gene overshoot.
Korenfeld N, Gorbonos T, Romero Florian MC, Rotaro D, Goldberg D, Radushkevitz-Frishman T, Charni-Natan M, Bar-Shimon M, Cummins CL, Goldstein I.
PLoS Biol. PMID: 39241209 (Open Access)
New anti-inflammatory mechanism of glucocorticoids uncovered.
Cummins CL, Goldstein I.
Trends Endocrinol Metab. PMID: 39181729
Transcriptional cascades during fasting amplify gluconeogenesis and instigate a secondary wave of ketogenic gene transcription.
Goldberg D, Buchshtab N, Charni-Natan M, Goldstein I.
Liver Int. PMID: 39162082 (Open Access)
Protocol for bulk and single-nuclei chromatin accessibility quantification in mouse liver tissue.
Korenfeld N, Toft NI, Dam TV, Charni-Natan M, Grøntved L, Goldstein I.
STAR Protoc. PMID: 37590150 (Open Access)
Dynamic chromatin accessibility during nutritional iron overload reveals a BMP6-independent induction of cell cycle genes. Radushkevitz-Frishman T, Charni-Natan M, Goldstein I.
J Nutr Biochem. PMID: 37336330
Hormone-controlled cooperative binding of transcription factors drives synergistic induction of fasting- regulated genes.
Goldberg D, Charni-Natan M, Buchshtab N, Bar-Shimon M, Goldstein I.
Nucleic Acids Res. PMID: 35556130 (Open Access)
The adipokine FABP4 is a key regulator of neonatal glucose homeostasis.
Ron I, Lerner RK, Rathaus M, Livne R, Ron S, Barhod E, Hemi R, Tirosh A, Strauss T, Ofir K, Goldstein I, Pessach IM, Tirosh A.
JCI Insight. PMID: 34676825 (Open Access)
Fasting hormones synergistically induce amino acid catabolism genes to promote gluconeogenesis.
Korenfeld N, Finkel M, Buchshtab N, Bar-Shimon M, Charni-Natan M, Goldstein I.
Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol (CMGH). PMID: 33957303 (Open Access)
Protocol for Primary Mouse Hepatocyte Isolation.
Charni-Natan M, Goldstein I.
STAR Protoc. PMID: 33111119 (Open Access)
Chromatin Regulation and Transcription Factor Cooperation in Liver Cells.
Goldstein I.
The Liver (Book Chapter, Editors: Arias IM, Alter HJ, Boyer JL, Cohen DE, Shafritz DA, Thorgeirsson SS Wolkoff AW) Link
Editorial: Regulating Liver Transcriptional Networks by Endocrine, Extracellular, and Intrinsic Cues.
Front Endocrinol. PMID: 31920987 (Open Access)
The Three Ds of Transcription Activation by Glucagon: Direct, Delayed, and Dynamic. (Review).
Goldstein I, Hager GL.
Endocrinology. PMID: 29077799 (Open Access)
Dynamic enhancer function in the chromatin context. (Review).
Goldstein I, Hager GL.
Wiley Interdiscip Rev Syst Biol Med. PMID: 28544514 (Open Access)
Synergistic gene expression during the acute phase response is characterized by transcription factor assisted loading.
Goldstein I, Paakinaho V, Baek S, Sung MH, Hager GL.
Nat Commun. PMID: 29185442 (Open Access)
Transcription factor assisted loading and enhancer dynamics dictate the hepatic fasting response.
Goldstein I, Baek S, Presman DM, Paakinaho V, Swinstead EE, Hager GL.
Genome Res. PMID: 28031249 (Open Access) (Highlighted in 'Hepatology Elsewhere')
Bivariate Genomic Footprinting Detects Changes in Transcription Factor Activity.
Baek S*, Goldstein I*, Hager GL.
Cell Rep. PMID: 28538187 (Open Access)
TM7SF3, a novel p53-regulated homeostatic factor, attenuates cellular stress and the subsequent induction of the unfolded protein response.
Isaac R, Goldstein I, Furth N, Zilber N, Streim S, Boura-Halfon S, Elhanany E, Rotter V, Oren M, Zick Y.
Cell Death Differ. PMID: 27740623 Open Access)
Steroid Receptors Reprogram FoxA1 Occupancy through Dynamic Chromatin Transitions.
Swinstead EE, Miranda TB, Paakinaho V, Baek S, Goldstein I, Hawkins M, Karpova TS, Ball D, Mazza D, Lavis LD, Grimm JB, Morisaki T, Grøntved L, Presman DM, Hager GL.
Cell. PMID: 27062924 (Open Access)
Novel p53 target genes secreted by the liver are involved in non-cell-autonomous regulation.
Charni M, Molchadsky A, Goldstein I, Solomon H, Tal P, Goldfinger N, Yang P, Porat Z, Lozano G, Rotter V. Cell Death Differ. PMID: 26358154 (Open Access)
Transcriptional and Chromatin Regulation during Fasting - The Genomic Era. (Review).
Goldstein I, Hager GL.
Trends Endocrinol Metab. PMID: 26520657 (Open Access)
The onset of p53 loss of heterozygosity is differentially induced in various stem cell types and may involve the loss of either allele.
Shetzer Y, Kagan S, Koifman G, Sarig R, Kogan-Sakin I, Charni M, Kaufman T, Zapatka M, Molchadsky A, Rivlin N, Dinowitz N, Levin S, Landan G, Goldstein I, Goldfinger N, Pe'er D, Radlwimmer B, Lichter P, Rotter V, Aloni-Grinstein R.
Cell Death Differ. PMID: 24832469 (Open Access)
p53 promotes the expression of gluconeogenesis-related genes and enhances hepatic glucose production.
Goldstein I, Yizhak K, Madar S, Goldfinger N, Ruppin E, Rotter V.
Cancer Metab. PMID: 24280180 (Open Access)
Chemotherapeutic agents activate p53 to induce the transcription of CYP3A genes in the liver – a novel feedback loop for systemic chemotherapy clearance.
Goldstein I*, Rivlin N*, Shoshana O, Ezra O, Madar S, Goldfinger N, Rotter V.
Carcinogenesis. PMID: 23054612
'Cancer associated fibroblasts' - more than meets the eye. (Review)
Madar S*, Goldstein I*, Rotter V.
Trends Mol Med. PMID: 23769623
Mutant p53 attenuates the anti-tumorigenic activity of fibroblasts-secreted interferon beta.
Madar S, Harel E, Goldstein I, Stein Y, Kogan-Sakin I, Kamer I, Solomon H, Dekel E, Tal P, Goldfinger N, Friedlander G, Rotter V.
PLoS One. PMID: 23630584 (Open Access)
p53, a novel regulator of lipid metabolism pathways.
Goldstein I, Ezra O, Rivlin N, Molchadsky A, Madar S, Goldfinger N, Rotter V.
J Hepatol. PMID: 22037227
Regulation of lipid metabolism by p53 – fighting two villains with one sword. (Review)
Goldstein I, Rotter V.
Trends Endocrinol. Metab. PMID: 22819212
Cancer research, a field on the verge of paradigm shift?
Goldstein I*, Madar S*, Rotter V.
Trends Mol. Med. PMID: 22609171
Mutant p53R273H attenuates the expression of phase 2 detoxifying enzymes and promotes the survival of cells with high ROS levels.
Kalo E, Kogan-Sakin I, Solomon H, Bar-Nathan E, Shay M, Shetzer Y, Dekel E, Goldfinger N, Buganim Y, Stambolsky P, Goldstein I, Madar S, Rotter V.
J Cell Sci. PMID: 22899716
Various p53 mutant types differently regulate the Ras circuit to induce a cancer-related gene signature.
Solomon H, Buganim Y, Pomeraniec L, Beatus T, Assia Y, Kogan-Sakin I, Madar S, Goldstein I, Brosh R, Kalo E, Goldfinger N, Rotter V.
J Cell Sci. PMID: 22427690
Transcriptional activity of ATF3 in the stromal compartment of tumors promotes cancer progression.
Buganim Y, Madar S, Rais Y, Pomeraniec L, Harel E, Solomon H, Kalo E, Goldstein I, Brosh R, Haimov O, Avivi C, Polak-Charcon S, Goldfinger N, Barshack I, Rotter V.
Carcinogenesis. PMID: 21900211
Beyond tumor suppression: p53 controls blastocyst implantation.
Madar S*, Goldstein I*, Rotter V.
Cell Cycle. PMID: 22157227
TMPRSS2/ERG promotes epithelial to mesenchymal transition through the ZEB1/ZEB2 axis in a prostate cancer model.
Leshem O, Madar S, Kogan-Sakin I, Kamer I, Goldstein I, Brosh R, Cohen Y, Jacob-Hirsch J, Ehrlich M, Ben-Sasson S, Goldfinger N, Loewenthal RC, Gazit E, Rotter V, Berger R.
PLoS One. PMID: 21747944 (Open Access)
SPATA18, a spermatogenesis-associated gene, is a novel transcriptional target of p53 and p63.
Bornstein C, Brosh R, Molchadsky A, Madar S, Kogan-Sakin I, Goldstein I, Chakravarti D, Flores ER, Goldfinger N, Sarig R, Rotter V.
Mol Cell Biol. PMID: 21300779 (Open Access)
Understanding wild-type and mutant p53 activities in human cancer: new landmarks on the way to targeted therapies. (Review)
Goldstein I*, Marcel V*, Olivier M, Oren M, Rotter V, Hainaut P.
Cancer Gene Ther. PMID: 20966976
p53 Regulates the Ras circuit to inhibit the expression of a cancer-related gene signature by various molecular pathways.
Buganim Y, Solomon H, Rais Y, Kistner D, Nachmany I, Brait M, Madar S, Goldstein I, Kalo E, Adam N, Gordin M, Rivlin N, Kogan I, Brosh R, Sefadia-Elad G, Goldfinger N, Sidransky D, Kloog Y, Rotter V.
Cancer Res. PMID: 20197462 (Open Access)
A novel translocation breakpoint within the BPTF gene is associated with a pre-malignant phenotype.
Buganim Y*, Goldstein I*, Lipson D, Milyavsky M, Polak-Charcon S, Mardoukh C, Solomon H, Kalo E, Madar S, Brosh R, Perelman M, Navon R, Goldfinger N, Barshack I, Yakhini Z, Rotter V.
PLoS One. PMID: 20300178 (Open Access)
The human 1-8D gene (IFITM2) is a novel p53 independent pro-apoptotic gene.
Daniel-Carmi V, Makovitzki-Avraham E, Reuven EM, Goldstein I, Zilkha N, Rotter V, Tzehoval E, Eisenbach L. Int J Cancer. PMID: 19544527
Mutations in the tetramerization domain of p53: more than just keeping monomers apart.
Goldstein I, Rotter V.
Cell Cycle. PMID: 19823022
Did experimental biology die? Lessons from 30 years of p53 research.
Madar S*, Goldstein I*, Rotter V.
Cancer Res. PMID: 19654301 (Open Access)
Modulated expression of WFDC1 during carcinogenesis and cellular senescence.
Madar S, Brosh R, Buganim Y, Ezra O, Goldstein I, Solomon H, Kogan I, Goldfinger N, Klocker H, Rotter V. Carcinogenesis. PMID: 18842679 (Open Access)
p53-Repressed miRNAs are involved with E2F in a feed-forward loop promoting proliferation.
Brosh R, Shalgi R, Liran A, Landan G, Korotayev K, Nguyen GH, Enerly E, Johnsen H, Buganim Y, Solomon H, Goldstein I, Madar S, Goldfinger N, Børresen-Dale AL, Ginsberg D, Harris CC, Pilpel Y, Oren M, Rotter V.
Mol Syst Biol. PMID: 19034270 (Open Access)